30 Post Ideas For Insta

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Content about you/your Brand For Insta Post

  1. Re-Introduce yourself
  2. A day in your life
  3. 5 things about you/your brand
  4. Frequently asked questions
  5. “why” you do what you do
  6. Brand review and feedback

Educational content For Insta Post

  1. A begginer’s guide
  2. Top tools related to your niche
  3. what if you started again
  4. Give advice (industry related)
  5. Top 3 mistakes people make
  6. Success story of student

More Educational Content

  1. Common terms in your industry
  2. Controversial opinion
  3. Favourite podcasts (in the industry)
  4. Favorite books (in the industry)
  5. A tip for doing something
  6. Write quality content
  7. Guides and Counselling
  8. To choose make your career.

Different types of Content

  1. A checklist
  2. Motivational quote
  3. Tweet repurposed as a post
  4. Comment on something while using the green screen effect
  5. write on a notebook and show it
  6. Blog Post
  7. Social Media
  8. Copy Rights
  9. Use unique keywords in your content
  10. Video content on social media

Entertaining Content

  1. Funny facts about you
  2. Adapt a trend to your own style
  3. Fun hack in your industry
  4. Behind- the -scene of your workplace/business
  5. Behind-the-scene of your processes
  6. TV and Shows on Screen
  7. Netflix
  8. Drama
  9. Movies also include in heroes and villain.
  10. create an emotional reaction in people.

Sales content

  1. The “making of” a product
  2. Sneak peaks of your service
  3. Before/After video
  4. Client success story
  5. A collection of reviews and testimonials
  6. Provide quality product and service
  7. Customer feedback after selling a product
  8. Prioritize discussing the benefits of product
  9. know who you are trying to reach
  10. you can use understand label of language and storytelling.